1. Instruments Profile
2. LLDB Debugging
3. Automated Testing - XCUnit & Bots(or Jenkins(ray's automate tutorial))
4. i18n - UILocalizedIndexedCollation
5. Paintcode
6. Apple Doc
1. Apple Guideline and Reference Documents
3. Raywenderlich
4. Effective Objective-C (Not Yet)
5. Cocoa Control
6. Stackoverflow, Developer Forum, gist.github.com
7. iOS Dev Weekly
8. NSHipster
9. NSConference
10. NSScreencast
[Beta Ver Distributor]
1. Test Flight
2. Hockeykit
[Crash Log]
1. crashlytics
1. SSToolkit
2. TapkuLibrary
3. Nimbuskit
4. iRate
5. appirater(Review)
6. DB - MagicalRecord
7. GPUImage
8. Date Formatter - iso8601unparser
9. BlocksKit
10. ReactiveCocoa
11. RestKit (Ray's Tutorial)
12. SocketRocket(Websocket)
13. AFNetworking
iOS Applications Development: Both iPad and iPhone developers, these days, have experience of working on apps for diverse categories such an entertainment, healthcare, medicine, gaming, utility, education and various others. But then there are some who just claim to have such experience. So, it's important that you are able to separate the wheat from the chaff and ensure that the iOS developers that you choose have proven experience on working on iPhone and iPad apps projects for a variety of categories.