Monday, September 23, 2013
Fix ADB Unauthorized(Esp Windows + Wi-fi)
If you get in trouble with unauthorized device message, copy adbkey file to ~/.android
Saturday, September 7, 2013
GPT to MBR(+ext3)
My external HDD is "Seagate Backup Plus 500 GB USB 3.0"
I want to use it for NAS(dd-wrt firmed) , I changed it to MBR and ext3.
-> gdisk and mkfs.ext3 is best solution!
* If you want to use only data storage, you can remove reserved space which is 5% of whole disk.
sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdb1
I want to use it for NAS(dd-wrt firmed) , I changed it to MBR and ext3.
-> gdisk and mkfs.ext3 is best solution!
* If you want to use only data storage, you can remove reserved space which is 5% of whole disk.
sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdb1
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Raspbian gitlab issue
1. bundle install fail
-> Define highest version of "therubyracer and libv8" in Gemfile, Gemfile.lock
In Gemfile
gem "therubyracer", "0.12.0"
In Gemfile.lock
therubyracer (0.12.0)
libv8 (
2. When first connect, very very very slow.
-> You must extend timeout both unicorn and nginx
-> config/unicorn.rb , /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -> timeout 3000
-> Define highest version of "therubyracer and libv8" in Gemfile, Gemfile.lock
In Gemfile
gem "therubyracer", "0.12.0"
In Gemfile.lock
therubyracer (0.12.0)
libv8 (
2. When first connect, very very very slow.
-> You must extend timeout both unicorn and nginx
-> config/unicorn.rb , /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -> timeout 3000
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Raspbian locale problem on OSX
When using raspbian with ssh connect on OSX, you can see error message like belows
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
-> Just comment out "SendEnv LANG LC_*" in /etc/ssh_config on your OSX.
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
-> Just comment out "SendEnv LANG LC_*" in /etc/ssh_config on your OSX.
Friday, August 30, 2013
htpasswd without apache
1. echo -e "your-username:`perl -le 'print crypt("your-password","salt")'`" > /etc/nginx/htpasswd
2. online tool:
3. ruby -le 'print "your-username: #{%Q{your password}.crypt(%Q{salt})}"',210155,210168#msg-210168
1. echo -e "your-username:`perl -le 'print crypt("your-password","salt")'`" > /etc/nginx/htpasswd
2. online tool:
3. ruby -le 'print "your-username: #{%Q{your password}.crypt(%Q{salt})}"'
Thursday, August 29, 2013
WWDC 2013 Summary : 226-HD Implementing Engaging UI on iOS
-> Custom Transition
-> UISnapshotting -> Improvement on [CALayer renderInContext]
snapshotView : Fastest
drawViewHierarchyInRect : Faster
Making Blurred Background -> drawViewHierarchyInRect & applyLightEfftect
-> Custom Appearance : self.window setTintColor
[UIImage resizableImageWithCapInsets]
minimum height - 44px
Focus & Intent!
Affirmative(positive) button -> right
WWDC 2013 Summary : 228-HD Hidden Gems in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
OpenQuickly : cmd-shift-o
Related Files : ctl + 1
Breakpoint Actions
Debug description :
(NSString *)debugDescription{ return @"Verbose debugging string";} -> (lldb) po self.rootViewController -> Verbose debugging string
Recursive description
Custom-indexed Subscripting
NSSet & NSOrderedSet
Collection Tricks - reverseObjectEnumerator.allObjects -> reverse
NSFastEnumeration -> for in
NSValue withPoint, Range
Custom Value -> typedef struct RGB { float red, green, blue; } _RGB; RGB Color={1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; -> [NSValue valueWithBytes: &color objCType:@encode(RGB)];
Key & Value Coding
NSDataDetector - Dates, Addresses, Links, Phone Numbers, Transit information
CFStringTransform - esp name unicode characters, transliterate between orthographies(안녕하세요->annyeonghaseyo, ひらがな<ー>かたかな、romaji)
Normalizing Input -> all english char .. etc..
<Core Animation>
CAMediaTiming for interactive animation
<Core Data>
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Linux Redmine-Thin Systemd(Systemctl) Service Daemon Registration - Not working
1. Create service script
Create file /etc/systemd/system/redmine.service with the content:
[Unit] Description=Redmine server [Service] Type=forking User=redmine Group=redmine ExecStart=/usr/bin/ruby /usr/share/webapps/redmine/script/rails server thin -e production -p 6000 # Give a reasonable amount of time for the server to start up/shut down TimeoutSec=300 [Install]
2. Reload daemon
systemctl daemon-reload
3. Enable & Start Service
systemctl enable redmine
systemctl start redmine
If you have trouble with start service, Check permission - user/group in service script
If you have trouble with start service, Check permission - user/group in service script
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Cocos2d-html5 has some difference with JSB
There still some differences between JSB and Html5. For example, there are not cc.Color4B cc.RectMake in JSB, instead, you could use cc.cc4b and cc.rect for both JSB and Html5.
From :
Friday, August 23, 2013
iOS Dev Weekly Memo - Issue 108 - 23rd August 2013
Issue 108 - 23rd August 2013
--> If your apps use the MAC address to identify an iOS device, the system will return the same static value for all devices running iOS 7. Please update your apps to use the identifierForVendor property of UIDevice. If you need an identifier for advertising purposes, use the advertisingIdentifier property of ASIdentifierManager.
Boost up gem install
Without doc!
install: --no-document
update: --no-document
gem: --no-document
Git over HTTP Memo
Good link :
1. HTTPD (Nginx, Apache .. ) setup
2. git init --bare foo.git
3. mv hooks/post-update.sample hook/post-update
4. git update-server-info(not necessary?)
5. git config http.receivepack true
6. Permission(chmod -R)
* If you upload big size push
--> git config http.postBuffer 524288000
--> Size up http server buffer :
In case of nginx ->
client_body_buffer_size 32K;
client_max_body_size 100M;
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Linux Nginx Systemd(Systemctl) Service Daemon Registration
1. Create service script
2. Reload daemon
systemctl daemon-reload
3. Enable & Start Service
systemctl enable nginx
systemctl start nginx
Create file
with the content:[Unit]
ExecReload=/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload
[Install] Reload daemon
systemctl daemon-reload
3. Enable & Start Service
systemctl enable nginx
systemctl start nginx
Javascript code completion editor compare
I want JS code completion when using model based library(like Knockout.js)
This is result of a day searching.
Maybe some of contents are wrong.
Please comment to me when you find out mistakes.
1. Eclipse
- JSDT(Javascript Development Tools) : Can't detect modal based library
- VJET : I don't understand how to attach javascript library
2. Netbeans
Powerful auto completion. But it doesn't seems to be support model based library
This is result of a day searching.
Maybe some of contents are wrong.
Please comment to me when you find out mistakes.
1. Eclipse
- JSDT(Javascript Development Tools) : Can't detect modal based library
- VJET : I don't understand how to attach javascript library
2. Netbeans
Powerful auto completion. But it doesn't seems to be support model based library
3. TernJS with SublimeText2
Better. Sublime text is free and I like this editor :) But working
4. Webstorm(Intellij IDEA)
Best. Full supports and good IDE. But it's a commercial tool.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Redmine on ArchLinux
Basically, Read Offical Site.
If you have a trouble with paths, see archlinux wiki
In my case, I skipped rmagick
In my case use thin behinds nginx
If you have a trouble with paths, see archlinux wiki
In my case, I skipped rmagick
bundle install --without development test rmagick
In my case use thin behinds nginx
Jenkins-CI on ArchLinux via Nginx Proxy
1. pacman -S jenkin-ci
(Maybe default port is 8090, you can edit at /etc/conf.d/jenkins)
2. edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
server {
listen 80;
server_name jenkins.domain.tld;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8090;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_connect_timeout 150;
proxy_send_timeout 100;
proxy_read_timeout 100;
proxy_buffers 4 32k;
client_max_body_size 8m;
client_body_buffer_size 128k;
Source : Jenkins behind an NGinX reverse proxy
In my case, /etc/hosts setting is not allowed localhost.
So I use proxy_pass;
(Maybe default port is 8090, you can edit at /etc/conf.d/jenkins)
2. edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
server {
listen 80;
server_name jenkins.domain.tld;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8090;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_connect_timeout 150;
proxy_send_timeout 100;
proxy_read_timeout 100;
proxy_buffers 4 32k;
client_max_body_size 8m;
client_body_buffer_size 128k;
Source : Jenkins behind an NGinX reverse proxy
In my case, /etc/hosts setting is not allowed localhost.
So I use proxy_pass;
Get rid of annoying "__rvm_add_to_path :command not found"
rm /etc/profile.d/
Arch Linux $Path Environment Variable
1. ~/.bashrc
2. ~/.bash_profile
3. ~/.profile
4. /etc/profile
5. /etc/bashrc
2. ~/.bash_profile
3. ~/.profile
4. /etc/profile
5. /etc/bashrc
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Today Simple Memo
1. Sublime Text2 Plugin
2. Human Readable Web 80 Port Hooking (like Apache Httpd) - ngrep
ngrep port 80
3. Opened File ( |grep $filename is optional)
2. Human Readable Web 80 Port Hooking (like Apache Httpd) - ngrep
ngrep port 80
3. Opened File ( |grep $filename is optional)
4. Terms
Business Logic : The part of the program that connect between DB and User
DAO : Data access object
iOS Development Memo
1. Instruments Profile
2. LLDB Debugging
3. Automated Testing - XCUnit & Bots(or Jenkins(ray's automate tutorial))
4. i18n - UILocalizedIndexedCollation
5. Paintcode
6. Apple Doc
1. Apple Guideline and Reference Documents
3. Raywenderlich
4. Effective Objective-C (Not Yet)
5. Cocoa Control
6. Stackoverflow, Developer Forum,
7. iOS Dev Weekly
8. NSHipster
9. NSConference
10. NSScreencast
[Beta Ver Distributor]
1. Test Flight
2. Hockeykit
[Crash Log]
1. crashlytics
1. SSToolkit
2. TapkuLibrary
3. Nimbuskit
4. iRate
5. appirater(Review)
6. DB - MagicalRecord
7. GPUImage
8. Date Formatter - iso8601unparser
9. BlocksKit
10. ReactiveCocoa
11. RestKit (Ray's Tutorial)
12. SocketRocket(Websocket)
13. AFNetworking
1. Instruments Profile
2. LLDB Debugging
3. Automated Testing - XCUnit & Bots(or Jenkins(ray's automate tutorial))
4. i18n - UILocalizedIndexedCollation
5. Paintcode
6. Apple Doc
1. Apple Guideline and Reference Documents
3. Raywenderlich
4. Effective Objective-C (Not Yet)
5. Cocoa Control
6. Stackoverflow, Developer Forum,
7. iOS Dev Weekly
8. NSHipster
9. NSConference
10. NSScreencast
[Beta Ver Distributor]
1. Test Flight
2. Hockeykit
[Crash Log]
1. crashlytics
1. SSToolkit
2. TapkuLibrary
3. Nimbuskit
4. iRate
5. appirater(Review)
6. DB - MagicalRecord
7. GPUImage
8. Date Formatter - iso8601unparser
9. BlocksKit
10. ReactiveCocoa
11. RestKit (Ray's Tutorial)
12. SocketRocket(Websocket)
13. AFNetworking
Monday, August 19, 2013
jqTree - Keyboard Unbind
I like jqTree. Recently it supports keyboard navigation.
But I don't want to use keyboard navigation. And there is no option.
So I unbind manually(jQuery)
-> $(document).unbind('keydown.jqtree');
But I don't want to use keyboard navigation. And there is no option.
So I unbind manually(jQuery)
-> $(document).unbind('keydown.jqtree');
[MYSQL] Get Auto Incremented Key when INSERT INTO
PHP : mysqli_insert_id();
PHP : mysqli_insert_id();
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
[Knockout.js] Watch out when using "IF" statement
Knockout.js create html dynamically. So if "IF" statement condition is not met, there is no html(dom) element.
It is different from "CSS { display:none }"( = jQuery.hide()). "
"CSS {display:none}" is just hide existing elements without spacing.
It is different from "CSS { display:none }"( = jQuery.hide()). "
"CSS {display:none}" is just hide existing elements without spacing.
AJAX - External Domain
Use jsonp! (GET only) or use proxy
jsonp : jquery example
jsonp : jquery example
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
PHP Array Issue when using as parameter
1. PHP function passes arguments with copying
--> you can use &
function addSomeValueIntoArray(&$targetArray, $value)
2. Order of array_push when using nested array
$parentArray = array();
$childArray = ["foo" => bar];
array_push($parentArray, $childArray);
//Not reflected in parentArray
array_push($childArray, ["hello" => "world"]);
$parentArray = array();
$childArray = ["foo" => bar];
array_push($childArray, ["hello" => "world"]);
array_push($parentArray, $childArray);
--> you can use &
function addSomeValueIntoArray(&$targetArray, $value)
2. Order of array_push when using nested array
$parentArray = array();
$childArray = ["foo" => bar];
array_push($parentArray, $childArray);
//Not reflected in parentArray
array_push($childArray, ["hello" => "world"]);
$parentArray = array();
$childArray = ["foo" => bar];
array_push($childArray, ["hello" => "world"]);
array_push($parentArray, $childArray);
Monday, August 12, 2013
Raywenderlich Summary - Shooting Game with Cocos2d
Keep in mind : Many of pages are out of dated. Just see points which he is explaining
Cocos2d-JS Game Overall
Cocos2d-JS Deploy
Trigonometry for Game Programming(Shooting!)
Trigonometry for Game Programming -1
Trigonometry for Game Programming -2
Tower Defense Game
Multi Play
How To Make a Multiplayer iPhone Game Hosted on Your Own Server -1
How To Make a Multiplayer iPhone Game Hosted on Your Own Server -2
How to make a RPG
Cocos2d-x how to make tile-based game
Cocos2d-x tilemap-1
Cocos2d-x tilemap-2
Cocos2d-Turn-Based Strategy Game-1
Cocos2d-Turn-Based Strategy Game-2
Collision detect
Cocos2d collision detect with box2d(+bounds tracer)
Sprite Cutting Effect
Cocos2d A Game Like Fruit Ninja With Box2D-1
Components & Not use this time
Cocos2d - Create Your Own Level Editor -1
Cocos2d - Create Your Own Level Editor -2
Cocos2d - Create Your Own Level Editor -3
Cocos2d Monkey Jump Game with TexturePacker & PhysicsEditor-1 (+bounds tracer)
Cocos2d Monkey Jump Game with TexturePacker & PhysicsEditor-2
Cocos2d Monkey Jump Game with TexturePacker & PhysicsEditor-3(+ Asset Secret & Performance)
Cocos2d Buttons
Cocos2d Drag and Drop sprite (+background moving)
Cocos2d HUD
Cocos2d Sprite Masking
Cocos2d-x Bouncing Ball
Cocos2d-x Create A Breakout Game(Arknoid) with Box2D-1
Cocos2d-x Create A Breakout Game(Arknoid) with Box2D-2
Cocos2d-x Create A Game Like Tiny Wing-1
Cocos2d-x Create A Game Like Tiny Wing-2
Tools :
Code'n Web : TexturePacker & PhysicsEditor
TexturePacker Tutorial
How To Use SpriteHelper and LevelHelper Tutorial(Commercial Tool)
Another Tutorials(Not ray)
Cocos2d-JS Game Overall
Cocos2d-JS Deploy
Trigonometry for Game Programming(Shooting!)
Trigonometry for Game Programming -1
Trigonometry for Game Programming -2
Tower Defense Game
Multi Play
How To Make a Multiplayer iPhone Game Hosted on Your Own Server -1
How To Make a Multiplayer iPhone Game Hosted on Your Own Server -2
How to make a RPG
Cocos2d-x how to make tile-based game
Cocos2d-x tilemap-1
Cocos2d-x tilemap-2
Cocos2d-Turn-Based Strategy Game-1
Cocos2d-Turn-Based Strategy Game-2
Collision detect
Cocos2d collision detect with box2d(+bounds tracer)
Sprite Cutting Effect
Cocos2d A Game Like Fruit Ninja With Box2D-1
Components & Not use this time
Cocos2d - Create Your Own Level Editor -1
Cocos2d - Create Your Own Level Editor -2
Cocos2d - Create Your Own Level Editor -3
Cocos2d Monkey Jump Game with TexturePacker & PhysicsEditor-1 (+bounds tracer)
Cocos2d Monkey Jump Game with TexturePacker & PhysicsEditor-2
Cocos2d Monkey Jump Game with TexturePacker & PhysicsEditor-3(+ Asset Secret & Performance)
Cocos2d Buttons
Cocos2d Drag and Drop sprite (+background moving)
Cocos2d HUD
Cocos2d Sprite Masking
Cocos2d-x Bouncing Ball
Cocos2d-x Create A Breakout Game(Arknoid) with Box2D-1
Cocos2d-x Create A Breakout Game(Arknoid) with Box2D-2
Cocos2d-x Create A Game Like Tiny Wing-1
Cocos2d-x Create A Game Like Tiny Wing-2
Tools :
Code'n Web : TexturePacker & PhysicsEditor
TexturePacker Tutorial
How To Use SpriteHelper and LevelHelper Tutorial(Commercial Tool)
Another Tutorials(Not ray)
Bootstrap Align
1. Text
Left : .text-left
Right : .text-right
Center : .text-center
2. Element
Left : .pull-left
Right : .pull-right
Center : Set container ".text-center"
Left : .text-left
Right : .text-right
Center : .text-center
2. Element
Left : .pull-left
Right : .pull-right
Center : Set container ".text-center"
Friday, August 9, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
TernJS - The best code completion for cocos2d-HTML5
The lack of code completion makes me crazy when developing cocos2d-HTML5.
I found TernJS helps me.
TernJS is code-analysis engine for JavaScript.
My recommendation is using TernJS with Sublime Text 2(3, or the other editor).
Tip. If you want to check JS syntax error, JSHint will help you.
I found TernJS helps me.
TernJS is code-analysis engine for JavaScript.
My recommendation is using TernJS with Sublime Text 2(3, or the other editor).
Tip. If you want to check JS syntax error, JSHint will help you.
Xcode 5 and LLVM Build Recommendation both iOS and OSX
- Turn On below feature for optimization
1. Enforce Strict Aliasing
YES (Default YES)
2. Link-Time Optimization(LTO)
YES (Default NO)
3. Vectorize Loops
YES (Default NO)
4. Optimization Level :
-Ofast (Default release -Os)
1) Do not use if your application has high level floating point precision requirement
2) Does not enable LTO(2.)
3) Test Carefully
--> For best performance : Two options
-Ofast or -O3 with LTO
- Use Static Analyzer
- Warnings : Documentation Comments
From : WWDC 2013 - 402 What's New in the LLVM Compiler
408 Optimize Your Code Using LLVM
1. Enforce Strict Aliasing
YES (Default YES)
2. Link-Time Optimization(LTO)
YES (Default NO)
3. Vectorize Loops
YES (Default NO)
4. Optimization Level :
-Ofast (Default release -Os)
1) Do not use if your application has high level floating point precision requirement
2) Does not enable LTO(2.)
3) Test Carefully
--> For best performance : Two options
-Ofast or -O3 with LTO
- Use Static Analyzer
- Warnings : Documentation Comments
From : WWDC 2013 - 402 What's New in the LLVM Compiler
408 Optimize Your Code Using LLVM
Remarkable - in iOS 7 UI Transition Guide
1. Because UIWindow inherits from UIView, you can specify a tint color for the entire app by setting the window’s tint property using code like this:
window.tintColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
2.Dynamic Type Font
window.tintColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
2.Dynamic Type Font
use the UIFont method preferredFontForTextStyle to get a font, instead of specifying font names or sizes.
3. Imbedded Picker in table row
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
10 Useful Xcode(5) Things
1. Documentation Integration!
option + click or Quick Help can show built-in help(document)
Now, you can describe own code documents.
- Doxygen Syntax
+ New feature : Documentation Window
2. Ctrl + 1
Show related files in jump bar

3. Cmd + Option Click
Jump to definition in assistant editor
(or) cmd + option + shift click can select editor area
--> option / option + shift work same behaviour other places(jump bar, navigator...)
4. Open Quickly
Cmd + shift + O
5. Custom Code Snippets
- Adding : Just source code (hold click and) drag in to snippet panel.
- Customizing :
1) Create Token : <# token #>
2) Shortcut
6. Replace - Except certain result in found
select and just type "delete key"
7. Analyze single file
Product -> Perform Action -> Analyze "ooo.o"
8. Custom Behavior
In preferences.
9. Run Instruments while app running
10. Quick view when debugging.
In WWDC 2013 - 401 Xcode Core Concepts
+ Control + Shift + Click in Xcode5 Interface builder, you can select behind object
(In WWDC 2013 - 406 Taking control of Auto layout in Xcode5)
option + click or Quick Help can show built-in help(document)
Now, you can describe own code documents.
- Doxygen Syntax
+ New feature : Documentation Window
2. Ctrl + 1
Show related files in jump bar

3. Cmd + Option Click
Jump to definition in assistant editor
(or) cmd + option + shift click can select editor area
--> option / option + shift work same behaviour other places(jump bar, navigator...)
4. Open Quickly
Cmd + shift + O
5. Custom Code Snippets
- Adding : Just source code (hold click and) drag in to snippet panel.
- Customizing :
1) Create Token : <# token #>
2) Shortcut
6. Replace - Except certain result in found
select and just type "delete key"
7. Analyze single file
Product -> Perform Action -> Analyze "ooo.o"
8. Custom Behavior
In preferences.
9. Run Instruments while app running
10. Quick view when debugging.
In WWDC 2013 - 401 Xcode Core Concepts
+ Control + Shift + Click in Xcode5 Interface builder, you can select behind object
(In WWDC 2013 - 406 Taking control of Auto layout in Xcode5)
Thursday, July 18, 2013
[iOS]CellForIndexPath returns nil when cell isn't visible.
CellForIndexPath returns nil when cell isn't visible.
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