Monday, September 23, 2013

Fix ADB Unauthorized(Esp Windows + Wi-fi)

If you get in trouble with unauthorized device message, copy adbkey file to ~/.android 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

GPT to MBR(+ext3)

My external HDD is "Seagate Backup Plus 500 GB USB 3.0"
I want to use it for NAS(dd-wrt firmed) ,  I changed it to MBR and ext3.

-> gdisk and mkfs.ext3 is best solution!

* If you want to use only data storage, you can remove reserved space which is 5% of whole disk.
sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdb1


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Raspbian gitlab issue

1. bundle install fail
-> Define highest version of "therubyracer and libv8" in Gemfile, Gemfile.lock

In Gemfile

gem "therubyracer", "0.12.0"

In Gemfile.lock

therubyracer (0.12.0)
libv8 (

2. When first connect, very very very slow.
-> You must extend timeout both unicorn and nginx
-> config/unicorn.rb , /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -> timeout 3000

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Raspbian locale problem on OSX

When using raspbian with ssh connect on OSX, you can see error message like belows

locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

-> Just comment out "SendEnv LANG LC_*" in /etc/ssh_config on your OSX.

Friday, August 30, 2013

htpasswd without apache


1. echo -e "your-username:`perl -le 'print crypt("your-password","salt")'`" > /etc/nginx/htpasswd

2. online tool:

3. ruby -le 'print "your-username: #{%Q{your password}.crypt(%Q{salt})}"'

Thursday, August 29, 2013

WWDC 2013 Summary : 226-HD Implementing Engaging UI on iOS

-> Custom Transition
-> UISnapshotting -> Improvement on  [CALayer renderInContext]
snapshotView : Fastest
drawViewHierarchyInRect : Faster
Making Blurred Background -> drawViewHierarchyInRect & applyLightEfftect

-> Custom Appearance  : self.window setTintColor
[UIImage resizableImageWithCapInsets]

minimum height - 44px
Focus & Intent!

Affirmative(positive) button -> right

WWDC 2013 Summary : 228-HD Hidden Gems in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch


OpenQuickly : cmd-shift-o
Related Files : ctl + 1
Breakpoint Actions
Debug description : 
(NSString *)debugDescription{ return @"Verbose debugging string";} -> (lldb) po self.rootViewController -> Verbose debugging string
Recursive description

Custom-indexed Subscripting
NSSet & NSOrderedSet
Collection Tricks - reverseObjectEnumerator.allObjects -> reverse
NSFastEnumeration -> for in 
NSValue withPoint, Range
Custom Value -> typedef struct RGB { float red, green, blue; } _RGB; RGB Color={1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; -> [NSValue valueWithBytes: &color objCType:@encode(RGB)];
Key & Value Coding
NSDataDetector - Dates, Addresses, Links, Phone Numbers, Transit information
CFStringTransform - esp name unicode characters, transliterate between orthographies(안녕하세요->annyeonghaseyo,  ひらがな<ー>かたかな、romaji)
Normalizing Input -> all english char .. etc..

<Core Animation>
CAMediaTiming for interactive animation

<Core Data>